Course Description and Objective
- Understand the CP related tests as continuity test, electrolyte potentials, current requirement, and road/railroad casings.
- Comprehend the presence of stray currents interference related from neighbouring underground piping/pipelines and their mitigation methods.
- Introduce voltage IR readings, polarisation phenomenon, and decay tests.
- Understand the uses of corrosion coupons and their test stations.
- Conduct and interpret different current measurements.
- Evaluate induced AC voltage on pipelines and their mitigation methods.
Who Should Attend ?
- Material and Corrosion engineers.
- Pipeline engineers.
- Construction engineers.
- Maintenance engineers.
- Integrity engineers.
- Mechanical engineers.
Course Pre-requisite
- Thorough knowledge of CP1.
- Good knowledge of corrosion and cathodic protection.
- Minimum 1 year experience in corrosion and cathodic protection.
Course Delivery Method
live interactive instruction or online-instructor led.
Course Duration
Five days 6 hours per day.